People think of three things when they think of Florida: Disney, the beach, and death. Mostly because the average age is BC. But the one of those three that’s a wild card is the beach. Where to go? Daytona beach and hope to catch MTV? New Smyrna which is Daytona’s classy cousin. No don’t go to either. Go to Ponce Inlet. Yes that Ponce Inlet. A little secret there is no beach driving and plenty of parking. If you are one of those ne’erdowells who likes to bump their bass listening to Master P then by all means cruise the beach because for you…there ain’t No Limit. If you happen to just be ‘all about that bass’ chances are you’ll find a friend there too. But if you have kids or just a decent taste in music, go to the Toronita Avenue Park in Ponce Inlet and walk across the street. Plus they have bathrooms. I know, I know, isn’t the beach a giant toilet? Yes, but I mean to change into when you get done with your fun in the sun. You can’t get naked on the normal beach or they’ll ask you to leave… if they can catch you (secret there is olive oil. It makes you slippery)! Not that it matters, though. If I tried that I’m so white the reflection would blind anyone within 200 yards.

If lighthouses are your thing you could always go to the one there, too. It’s the second largest in the good ol’ US of A. Don’t ask me who is number one, I’m not a complete dork. But the steps there are this cool black and white and the view from the top is pretty breathtaking. Breathtaking in that by the time you get to the top you’ll be keeled over grasping your chest with people asking you why you look all purple. But it’s also pretty too.
Afterwards grab a slice at Jerry’s on the main stretch. They also have karaoke there I think on Monday’s. You might just catch you know who performing a little Wild Cherry if I’m feeling sassy. Either way trust me. Blow off Daytona and hit up Ponce Inlet if you have kids or just want to relax. I’ll see you there.
Jerry’s is a great place. Good wings and pizza. ( and karaoke singers).